uantum Liberator Tribe


Are you ready to go further on your path?

Come join the Tribe of Quantum Liberators, a yearly program, in order to master the power of Quantum Liberation!


This program is designed for:

  • therapists, master energy workers who understand that in order to help others efficiently, one must first help themselves
  • people who have been on a spiritual path for a long time… and who would like to finally free themselves of the remaining inner obstacles
  • hypersensitive, High-Potential, hyper-perceiving people, warm hearted and kind who want to let the power of their heart and true self emerge in its brilliance
  • people who recognize themselves in the following inner dialogues:

I feel stuck… how can I free myself?
My emotions go up and down like a roller-coaster, it’s so difficult to stay centered!
Other people’s emotions take me over… I can’t distinguish between them and me sometimes!
What’s wrong with me? I feel like I am not from this planet…
Why can’t I find my place in the world, why can’t people understand me?
I know I have a great potential inside of me, but I don’t know how to express it!
I don’t know what I want. How can I make the right choices? How can I know what is best for me?

The common denominator: a desire to free oneself that has become stronger than any other goal in life.

Whatever the circumstances, the annoying people, the emotional ups and downs… you can learn how to use your inner or outer obstacles as a springboard to live in peace with an open heart.



  • learn how to free oneself from your conditioning
  • know how to come back to center, as soon as possible, whatever happened
  • be in touch with your inner power
  • emotional and energy integrity
  • transform your inner saboteur into your personal ally
  • free up your inner guidance system
  • improvement of relationship with self and with others
  • make your hypersensitivity into an incredible strength
  • live in expansion, in peace with an open heart
  • recognize your own desires and learn how to follow them
  • take back your power on your life, thanks to your heart’s energy and your intuition
  • and of course, to master the tool of Quantum Liberation for yourself and others

At each weekend gathering we will explore a different theme which are organised to bring you along a path of self discovery throughout the year.  There will be group exercices, in duo and individual as well as group healings. There will be enough time to give feedback on your experiences since the last gathering, difficulties you faced so as to help you progress on your path.
A few examples:

Abundance – Opening up to receiving on  all levels

Saboteur or ally
Track down the inner saboteur or how to take care of oneself even when life is not going great and we are facing our shadow. The pain body, justifications, resistance etc.

How to take care of oneself in order to embody your highest potential
Relationship to oneself and your physical body. Daily actions to boost oneself towards expansion. Transform your relationship towards oneself.

Relation to others, relationship to self
Going from difficult relationships to relationships based on harmony, love and compassion. Becoming an agent of peace.

Recapitulation: The Toltec tool that pushes us to incarnate more love

Opening up your heart: to oneself, to others and to the Light. Creating a cocoon of Love.

Co-creation creating your future without resistance, allowing yourself to incarnate your highest potential



Two stages are necessary to integrate the Tribe. Everyone who applies is not necessarily going to be accepted, because spaces are limited and the program requires to be fully engaged.

The yearly program structure is being reworked for the year 2017-18.  It will consist of a series of advanced workshops on different subjects.  The absolute prerequisite is to have attended the basic training first.



Please note: I am at several festivals this summer, teaching and doing healings until August 22, 2017. I might be a little slow at getting back to you because of the lack of connection.

Participate in the Basic Training workshop so as to learn the fundamentals of the Quantum Liberation method. This will allow us to evaluate if we are mutually compatible and wishing to engage together for a year.

Enrolling in this program will literally bring change in all aspects of your life, if you apply what you will be taught. It is not a decision to be taken lightly.
We will have a chat after the end of the Basic Training Workshop so as to see what is best for you.

Required qualities, which will be strengthened are:
– perseverance
– humour
– courage to face and welcome with love your shadow self (less glamorous aspects of your personality)
– compassion towards self and others
– being coachable
– having understood that being in a state of Presence is the most important aspect of successfully helping others and that that Presence emerges after we have dissolved our Shadow
– a desire to free oneself completely and to be in expansion that is stronger than any other goal in life



Following the format of don Miguel Ruiz (author of “The 4 Agreements”) during our several years of Dreaming training, we will stay in touch every two weeks in order to really go deep and dissolve our inner saboteur as soon as it shows up… Quantum style! That is to say, faster, more profoundly and more efficiently than ever before.

Everything is put in place so that the inner saboteur, which discourages us or fills us up with huge ego, will be acknowledged, tamed and dissolved so as to morph into your greatest inner ally.

Staying in touch every two weeks is the solution so that the inner saboteur doesn’t wiggle through the cracks!

We have a residential weekend gathering every month.
In between the residential weekends, you will have a private session every two weeks, with exercices.

Combining the power of the group and the intensity of the weekend, be prepared for a huge heart opening. I have seen the profound liberations that happen in this frame and it is magical!

This is the first time I am offering this program in English in addition to the French program. Please let me know in advance of your desire to participate, so that we can plan accordingly as it will only happen if there are enough people interested.



You live in Canada? Australia? Alaska, South Africa, Costa Rica or any other far far away land that makes it physically impossible for you to hop on a plane every month to come to Paris?

No worries! Thanks to Quantum Liberation distance is no longer a concern… and thanks to modern technologies (telephone, skype, web conference) we can now stay in touch even from the other side of the planet.

An individual coaching every two weeks, coupled with a group teaching and a group healing by web conference will allow you to progress on your path and free yourself… even if I won’t have the pleasure of making you a cup of tea!




Basic Training Workshop : 297 € + accommodation cost
Monthly Gathering Workshop: 200€ x 9 mnths = 1800€ + accommodation cost
One individual session per month: 80€ x 10 month = 800€ (including an individual session in September)
BONUS: Group Webinar each month: 40€ x 10 months = 400€ – GIFTED

Yearly Total : 2897€ + accommodation cost

  • One time payment: 160€ deposit + 2600€
    (Yearly total 2760€)
  • 3 payments : 160€ deposit + 910€ x 3 (total paid by end of February 2017)
    (Yearly total 2890€)
  • Monthly payment: 160€ deposit  +  290€ x 10 (from Sept till end of June 2017)
    (Yearly total 3060€)

Accommodation and food costs are separed, see below


  • Individual distance coaching every two weeks 175€ per month
    (renewable as needed past the 10 months)
  • Bonus – monthly group web conference!
  • Cup of tea of your favourite brand to be shared virtually!



All the gatherings are going to be in RESIDENTIAL mode so as to make it easier for you all coming from far away and more importantly, to create a cohesive group. Creating a community spirit, collaboration and mutual assistance is one of the goals of these programs, so as to let emerge the Tribe of the Quantum Liberators. Participants in last year’s program now have a group of friends that they can rely on whenever they need a Quantum Lift!

One of the first subject we will focus on is ABUNDANCE, in order to help all those of you who are wondering how they are going to pay for the program!

To apply for the yearly Quantum Liberation Tribe program, please fill in the questionaire below. This will help us understand where you are at, your needs and which program would be more appropriate for you: individual sessions, distance individual coaching or the group yearly program.

Let me know of your interest in this program as well as your country of origin, so I can plan the workshops accordingly.



You only want to learn the tools and be able to ask me questions as they come in?

After the Basic Training Workshop : a monthly group webinar will be offered so as to allow you to ask your questions.

Other dates for this Basic Training Workshop will be offered during the year.
I am also happy to travel to your town to do a training there, if you can gather a group there

